L'actualité de la formation

Accueil de chercheurs sur les projets soutenus

La fondation propose l'accueil de chercheurs et scientifiques de haut niveau, internationalement reconnus pour des séjours de quelques mois ou plus, ainsi que des post-doctorants pour de plus longs séjours...

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Bourse Amelia Earhart

La fondation STAE est partenaire dans l'attribution des bourses "Zonta Amelia Earhart Fellowship"

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Conférence du Pr. Jian-Guo Liu (Duke University)
Le 27 mai 2009, Evénements.
Le 8 juin 2009
En séjour sabbatique à l'IMT organisé par la Fondation STAE dans le cadre du projet Plasmax, le Pr. Jian-Guo Liu (Duke University), prononcera une conférence intitulée The Challenge of Simulating Fluid Flow Accurately in the Presence of Boundaries
The physical world has a rich diversity of fluid dynamics, ranging from the micron scale to the galactic scale, and varying from high Mach number compressible flows to low Mach number incompressible flows. Large variations in scales, flow properties, and surrounding environments pose many challenges for computations. These issues are particularly important in domains with boundaries. Much of the scientific and technological impact of the Navier-Stokes equations derives from the effect of no-slip boundary conditions in creating physical phenomena such as lift, drag, boundary-layer separation and vortex shedding, for which the behavior of the pressure near boundaries is of great significance. In this talk, I will present new equivalent formulations of Navier-Stokes equations (NSE) better suited for numerical computations. The emphasis will be on the enforcement of imcompressibility and the discovery of intrinsic stability properties that lead to accurate, efficient and practical computations of three dimensional problems. I will also present some efficient methods for more completed flows such as low-mach flow, MHD, kinetic equations with different scales.
Le 8 juin à 14h00 à l'ONERA (salle 1° étage du bâtiment d'accueil)



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