L'actualité de la formation

Accueil de chercheurs sur les projets soutenus

La fondation propose l'accueil de chercheurs et scientifiques de haut niveau, internationalement reconnus pour des séjours de quelques mois ou plus, ainsi que des post-doctorants pour de plus longs séjours...

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Bourse Amelia Earhart

La fondation STAE est partenaire dans l'attribution des bourses "Zonta Amelia Earhart Fellowship"

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Conférence TORRENTS
Le 2 mai 2014, Conférence.
Le chantier d'animation TORRENTS, soutenu par la Fondation STAE, organise une conférence le

mercredi 4 juin 2014
de 10H30 à 11H00
au LAAS-CNRS - Salle de conférences
7 Avenue du Colonel Roche,Toulouse

Software Quality, Dependability and Safety in Embedded Systems
by Philip Koopman (Carnegie Mellon University)

Embedded computers seem to be everywhere, and are increasingly used in applications as diverse as transportation, medical equipment, industrial controls, and consumer products. We often trust embedded systems with mission-critical functions, and even or own lives. But the designers of such systems (and especially their managers) are often domain experts who have not been formally trained in software development. While many embedded systems work well, I frequently see problems ranging from the subtle to the catastrophic. In this talk I will identify commonly occurring technical, process, and quality assurance issues based on my experience performing more than 135 industry design reviews. Common problems include a lack of embedded-specific software engineering skills, software process gaps, and a failure to appreciate that more than just product-level testing is required to create high quality software. Most of these problems cannot simply be fixed by adopting a tool, but rather require a change of culture and perspective in engineering organizations. All too often, the developers and their management simply don't realize they have gotten in over their heads as their product's software has escalated from performing a simple supporting function to providing make-or-break product functionality.

Dr. Philip Koopman is internationally known for his research and teaching in dependability and embedded systems. His research interests focus on safety- and mission-critical systems, and he is a testifying software safety expert in numerous unintended acceleration cases against Toyota. In addition to the usual academic publications, he holds 26 US Patents in embedded computer systems and related technology, and has conducted more than 135 design reviews of industry software projects. He has served as a US Navy submarine officer, has architected embedded control CPUs for Harris Semiconductor, and has worked with a variety of United Technologies Corp. applications such as elevators and automobiles. More recently, he has led research on safety-critical systems and software robustness testing for General Motors, the FAA, the US DoD, and other sponsors as a professor at Carnegie Mellon University.


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